Is It History Or Is It Personal (unedited rough draft?)

How could they still not get it?

How could after decades and decades they still choose to be ignorant to the point of the bigger picture? They even go out of their way to oppose those who are scrambling day in and day out to find even a crevice of light for justice to be bought through, and devalue their cause even when it doesn't directly affect them.

Evidently as progress has been made not much has changed since April 4th 1968, the day that Martin Luther King Jr was gunned down. As the battle against systemic racism and socioeconomic inequality hasn't stopped since then, neither has discriminatory treatment of minorities and the less privileged. Perhaps the only tangible change are the ways government deities and police oppress the people they are supposed to be working for and serving in order to maintain power over them.

No matter how much you argue or debate.

No matter how hard you try to be rational.

No matter how hard you fight.

There will always be a subset of people that can't simply allow black lives to matter. Some choose to be flagrant about it and it seems as if others hide their lack of support by not acknowledging the full significance of the fight for overall equality and justice. All because either they don't value African American lives or they aren't close enough to the pulse of hardships and plight in their own country and this leaves the door open to misinformed views that can influence how they treat people and the way they go about living their own lives. Thus the "Karen" is born and recently they have been bought to the forefront as the symbol for prejudice and racism in modern day society.

So as society has grown, so has the spectrum for oppressive, manipulative, and bigoted behaviors. They are selective with how and who they approach on this topic with tactics that are purely meant to conflate your own truths to become condescending which is the type of racism that I can't stand the most. They hide these tactics behind the facade of an "open mind" which is really just a one way mirror. They are able to see everything happening around them to take in the information, but we aren't able to see how that information is being taken in or what they do with it. That two way mirror also only reflects what it has directly in front of it. So if it has black people in front of it then that mirror will show them what they want them to see which is an acknowledgement of themselves inside of it, although that isn't how they really see them on the other side. It is only when they are behind closed doors in a space where conflict can't be had do they come from behind their mirror to show their true inner manifestations of the opinions they have from taking in skewed information from never allowing people to really see their other side.

James Baldwin a prominent civil rights activist said that " The white man demands that they be given liberty or give me death and the entire white world applauds. But when the black man asks for exactly the same thing word for word he is judged as a criminal and treated like one.

 I tend to feel like the color of their skin is all the hope these people have to cling to in modern America because it is tied to a past they feel should still be relevant . The same history that has given comfort and  to a select few for almost an entire country and power combined with political influence all over the world. But that same history has been suffocating the life out of the poor and disenfranchised for generations. Simply put no one really likes being told that they are wrong.

Especially when admitting that you are wrong means that you have to concede for an unholy amount of unjust inexcusable behavior that even though you may not have directly taken part in, they have benefited from it in one way or another.

I could see it being difficult to admit guilt in an extremely tense situation, but people have been demonstrating that it is possible. As you can not be absolved of a crime you technically didn't commit you become a victim of circumstance. Something that has been happening to black and other minorities for about as long as they have lived in the borders of this "great" country. I still find it so strange that you would still find it so incredibly hard to just watch and see what is actually going on around them outside of their bubble. How could you sleep at night knowing you want to be complicit in blocking justice from being served.