Guess Who's Pulling Up

Tyler the Creator had a line on Bastard that I heard again recently and it may have sparked this one coming out the trash pile.”Drunk white girls the only way I get my dick sucked”. Which looking back on it may have been ironic but I'm not here to dive into the mans lyrics. 

I have always been of the school of thought that you should always have your heart open to receive love from any genuine source. I have never really thought anything of people that said they have a type and everyone should have some sort of standards as to who they should choose to call their partner. Although overtime the way in which I have noticed dating compatibility and the way I have been pursued lately makes me feel like I am almost doing something wrong. 

There's a chance I could just keep looking for it so I keep finding it but I feel like every couple I see in car advertisements are a black guy and a white woman. I always see them when I watch sports and the more I got back into watching sports the more it began to stand out to me.

A new family vehicle is one of the cornerstones of the American family as it prepares you to make memories as you embark on  the beginning of the rest of your life. 

This made me wonder if the interracial family is the new face of young Americans across the entire country? Is this the unknown fate of the all great “melting pot” we were so haphazardly taught to believe is what America comes together as.

Everyone is familiar with this topic on some level whether they have lived it in a real personal experience or commercially in tv and movies.. It may have been addressed to the point that interracial love has become a cliché of sorts; yet it still affects me in my everyday life.

Perhaps  I have become more critical of lustful intentions as racial tensions began to escalate in American society in 2020. Not only does it pose me with the personal dilemma of feeling like I am doing something taboo by possibly entertaining a love interest outside of my race, but I feel like it has placed a newer stereotype on men and women alike. The black men that only date white women and the white women that only want to date them. Thus drawing a barrier between those who don't oppose the idea of interracial dating and those that are in favor of it, and it is leading me to new perspectives. 

It's almost like no matter what I do I will be left at odds with myself. I mean dying alone doesn't  sound like fun and it's not really rolling off the tongue for me. As a black man who is definitely attracted to black women if I marry a black woman the thought of raising little brown babies sounds utterly delightful to be completely honest. That being said it has felt challenging for me as of lately only for the reason that I have never wanted to place any boundaries on the person I want to perhaps spend the rest of my life with. As I take in my own experiences from just simple conversations with women, the line of genuine affection and a fetish that leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth seems to be becoming blurrier and blurrier. 

Until the past year this formerly arbitrary thought of interracial couples having a negative stigma seemed like a barbaric train of thought but as my perspective of this country continues to shift it is also challenging my former idea of the modern American structure of the future family or at least what I considered to be a version of it. The thought of having a partner that I can depend on to love me through times of hardships and abundance that comes from an unquestionable pureness is all that we can hope to find. As the infamous Ron Swanson once said “If you can’t believe in love then what's the point of believing anything at all”. Even though it was said in a fictional context the meaning was still very real to me and I still believe that it is to this day. I never began to think that race could ever become apparent in the love that I believe in. 

As more black women are seeing black men date white women they lose faith in a certain demographic of black men being attracted to them all together. The trend of there being a niche group of nonblack women pursuing black men continues to grow to the point that I personally believe that the term niche is no longer a sufficient way of describing it. I do not believe the two phenomena are mutually exclusive although I do believe that both combined are causing a moral fallacy that there is no black and white answer for. 

I have never seen a social profitability in interracial relationships as there has historically been so many negative stereotypes as well as ramifications for being involved in them. 

Interracial marriage has only been legal for 60 years. It was legalized in 1960 making it only 9 years younger than my father.

Maybe this has become it’s full assimilation into American society and the waves are finally beginning to settle.  If this is one “melting pot” as we have chosen to frame it, is supposed to turn us all brown as our family structures begin to melt together?

There are people out there with their reasons for disparaging black and white people who exclusively pursue each other, and another faction that believes white women are taking black men away from them. 

It more so feels like a new phase of an age old adage more than a new wave of counterculture amongst generations looking for connections and love. Perhaps this more broader availability of everyone's dating pool has expanded so much is a new wave that is bridging the gap between the new and the old. Dating apps have broaden everyone's options and perhaps this is one of its biproducts or it could just be speeding up the process of which we connect with people outside of our culture and race.