This the kind of content you read late at night when you can't fall as

  • Old Man Hater Syndrome

    Maybe we don’t gatekeep well enough. The gentrification of culture and fashion is the new dead horse that is beloved to be beaten by all core demog...
  • Guess Who's Pulling Up

    Tyler the Creator had a line on Bastard that I heard again recently and it may have sparked this one coming out the trash pile.”Drunk white girls t...
  • The Corporate Farmers Market

    When I googled “how many African Americans qualified for covid businesses relief” my immediate conspiracy was proven by headlines before I even beg...
  • Is It History Or Is It Personal (unedited rough draft?)

    How could they still not get it? How could after decades and decades they still choose to be ignorant to the point of the bigger picture? They even...
  • F*ck Vans

    For some reason it's so hard to explain why I have this deep pain right in my childhood as I'm about to say this. I almost can'y even bring myself ...